Rice is a grain that is consumed all over the world. It is a staple food in many cultures and is used in both savory and sweet dishes. But is rice paleo? The answer to this question is not always black and white.

Whether you're a full-time paleo adherent or trying to figure out what works for you, it's important to know about the foods that are allowed on the paleo diet. A common question is whether rice is paleo.
The answer is complicated because there are different types of rice and different ways to cook it, so this comprehensive guide will help you figure out if rice is paleo and give you possible substitutes if you choose not to include rice.
What Is the Paleo Diet?
The paleo diet is also known as the caveman diet or the Stone Age diet. It is based on the idea of eating the same foods that our early ancestors might have eaten. So if you are following the paleo diet, you focus on high-protein foods, such as meat, fish, and eggs, as well as fruits and vegetables. It excludes grains, dairy, processed foods, and added sugars.
Proponents of the paleo diet believe that this way of eating can improve health and lead to weight loss. But critics argue that there is not enough scientific evidence to support these claims. And some experts argue that the restrictive nature of the diet may lead to nutritional deficiencies and disordered eating behaviors.
More research is needed before making any strong conclusions about the effectiveness and safety of the paleo diet. In the end, it is up to individuals to decide if this way of eating aligns with their personal beliefs and goals.
Is Rice Paleo?
No, in the strict sense, rice is not considered paleo because it is a grain. Grains were not a part of our hunter-gatherer ancestors' diets, so grains are not part of the paleo diet. This includes wheat, bread, pasta, corn, oats, and rice. Strict followers of the diet recommend sticking to more paleo-friendly options, such as vegetables, fruits, meats, and nuts.
But some people who follow the paleo lifestyle take a more flexible approach. They choose to include small amounts of rice in their diets. So which types of rice are best for the paleo diet?
- Is White Rice Paleo?
There is some debate among paleo enthusiasts about whether white rice should be included in a paleo diet. Some argue that the processing of white rice removes many of its nutrients and should not be considered a healthy food choice. Others argue that while it may not have as many nutrients as unprocessed, whole grain brown rice, it can still be a part of a balanced paleo diet in moderation.
The decision to include white rice in your paleo diet is up to you and your specific dietary needs and preferences. Regardless, incorporating a variety of whole, unprocessed foods, such as vegetables, fruits, and meats, should always be the primary focus of a paleo diet.
- Is Brown Rice Paleo?
Again, there is no one definitive answer to this question as it depends on individual preferences and dietary needs. Some people may find that brown rice is a better fit for their paleo diet due to its higher fiber content and lower glycemic index. Others may prefer the lighter texture and quicker cooking time of white rice. It's important to listen to your body and choose the option that works best for you.
- Is Wild Rice Paleo?
There is some debate among the paleo community about whether wild rice should be considered a part of the diet. Some argue that it is a natural whole food that has been a staple for many traditional cultures. Others argue that it is not a true grain, so it is acceptable on the paleo diet.
Again, it comes down to personal choice and what works for your body. If you tolerate wild rice well and enjoy it as part of your meals, then incorporating it in moderation could be a healthy addition to your paleo lifestyle. But if you have any issues with grains or find that they do not align with your health goals, then it may be best to avoid wild rice altogether.
What Is a Good Paleo Rice Substitute?

If you are a strict follower of the paleo diet, cauliflower "rice" is a good paleo rice substitute. It is grain free and provides a similar texture to traditional rice. You can buy cauliflower rice in the refrigerated and frozen sections of most grocery stores.
It is also easy to make your own cauliflower rice at home. Pulse cauliflower florets in a food processor until they resemble grains of rice then sauté the cauliflower rice in olive oil for a few minutes. The result is a tasty and healthy alternative to traditional rice. Try mixing in your favorite veggies or protein for a complete meal.
Another paleo rice substitute is quinoa. It is also grain free and has a similar texture to rice. It is important to note that quinoa is technically a seed and not a true vegetable, so some strict paleo followers may not consider it an acceptable substitute. It may also be helpful to experiment with different flavors and seasonings to make these substitutes more enjoyable.
Bottom Line
So is rice paleo? Strict followers will say that rice is not paleo because it is a grain. But whether or not rice is a part of your paleo diet is up to you and what works best for your body. If you choose not to include rice, cauliflower "rice" and quinoa can be good grain-free substitutes. Remember to always focus on incorporating a variety of meats, fish, fruits, and vegetables into your paleo meals.