Keto pulled pork

in the slow cooker

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Prep Time: 2 Min

 6 pounds pork neck  6 cups beef stock /veggie stock  4 garlic cloves  2 bay leaves  1 tablespoon cilantro seeds  ½ teaspoon black peppercorns  2 tablespoons oregano  1 teaspoon garlic powder  1 teaspoon onion powder  1 teaspoon salt  1 teaspoon smoked paprika powder  1 teaspoon chili powder

Cook Time: 6 H


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Step 1

1Put the pork neck piece inside the slow cooker.

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Step 2

Add the stock, garlic cloves and the rest of the spices and mix well

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Step 3

Close the lid and cook. Once cooked, remove the pork neck piece from the slow cooker pot and transfer it into an oven tray or big enough container.

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Step 4

Shred the meat using two forks.

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How to make Keto pulled pork

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