
How To Make Whipped Cream (Just 2 Ingredients!)

homemade whipped cream in a clear glass with a black spoon beside it.

Homemade whipped cream is so easy to make with just 2 ingredients and 5 minutes, and it's so much better than the store-bought kind!


  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • Optional: 1/2 tsp vanilla bean paste or vanilla extract


  1. Chill the bowl and whisk/beaters in the refrigerator or freezer prior to making whipped cream.
  2. Add the cream to the chilled bowl of a stand mixer or large bowl with hand beaters.
  3. Whip on high until thickened, about 2 minutes.
  4. Add sugar (and vanilla if using) and continue beating until soft peaks form, about 1 more minute.
  5.  Serve or refrigerate in an airtight container until ready to serve.


  • Make sure your bowl and your cream are both very cold.
  • Careful not to over-whip. You'll move from soft and fluffy whipped cream to chunky cream to edging on butter pretty quickly. Make sure you're hanging out close to the mixer, watching for soft to medium peaks so you can stop once it's done.
  • Opt for heavy cream over plain or light cream. It won't be as stable, so unless you're planning on serving it right away, heavy cream is best.
  • While it doesn't matter all that much if you add the sugar in the beginning or toward the end since there's so little, adding ingredients in the beginning usually hinders stability (food science nerd here!), so I add it (and any vanilla or other flavors) at the end.

Keywords: easy whipped cream, homemade whipped cream, whipped cream from scratch